
what wiki does

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 5 months ago








What is a wiki? Technically speaking, wikis are web presences that anyone can alter. Open in this way, wikis facilitate linking and make it easy for users to move from browsing to writing, and back again. On this continuum, users can coordinate activities and entrain ideas on subtle levels. In other words, with wikis, we can easily share ideas and therefore learn to write together. FINE, but isn't this all just a description of users dropping out of a desktop mindset and tuning in to an always already available resonance?


It becomes helpful, then, if not necessary, to ask,


"what can a wiki do?"


This freesound is designed to shift our definitional attention towards the ceaseless movement active wikis can sustain, and prepares us to participate (but let's not hesitate!): wiki as verb. A living verb. I am following Lynn Margulis and Dorian Sagan, who, following Vladimir Vernadsky, insist on troping the noun "life" to it's gerundive and verb forms, emphasizing the ongoing change and dynamics of living systems. "The question "What is Life?" is thus a linguistic trap. To answer according to the rules of grammar, we must supply a noun, a thing. But life on Earth is more like a verb. It repairs, re-creates, and outdoes itself" (Margulis and Sagan 14). The wiki way is the same: "to wiki" is to repair, recreate, outdo, alter, etc...


In "Metabolic Stability and Epigenesis in Randomly Constructed Nets," published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology in 1969, Stuart Kauffman, reports on the order that emerged from random elements entered into a computer program in an effort to theorize cellular differentiation, and described the resulting coherence (in processes apparently common to both living and nonliving systems), as "order for free." When Kaufman (2005) later reflects on his most popular sample/soundbyte, “order for free,” he explains how, unlike biologists who “suppose the order of ontogeny is due to an enormous and laborious effort,” he believes that “most of the beautiful order seen in ontogeny is spontaneous, a natural expression of the stunning self-organization that abounds in very complex regulatory networks....order, vast and generative, arises naturally” (p. 25). This is also what Socrates does in the Phaedrus, one the most often-sampled dialogues in the rhetorical tradition; he samples available order, for free, reminding us that rhetoric should always take place in a conducive ecology. Socrates in Phaedrus:



Here is this lofty and spreading plane-tree, and the agnus cast us high and clustering, in the fullest blossom and the greatest fragrance; and the stream which flows beneath the plane-tree is deliciously cold to the feet. Judging from the ornaments and images, this must be a spot sacred to Achelous and the Nymphs. How delightful is the breeze—so very sweet; and there is a sound in the air shrill and summerlike which makes answer to the chorus of the cicadae. (Phaedrus 230d, Jowett transl. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/texts/phaedrus.html)




"Proto-organisms probably were randomly aggregated nets of chemical reactions. The hypothesis that contemporary organisms are also randomly constructed molecular automata is examined by modeling the gene as a binary (on-off) device and studying the behavior of large, randomly constructed nets of these binary “genes”. The results suggest that, if each “gene” is directly affected by two or three other "genes", then such random nets behave with great order and stability; undergo behavior cycles whose length predicts cell replication time as a function of the number of genes per cell; possess different modes of behavior whose number per net predicts roughly the number of cell types in an organism as a function of its number of genes; and under the stimulus of noise are capable of differentiating directly from any mode of behavior to at most a few other modes of behavior. Cellular differentation is modeled as a Markov chain among the modes of behavior of a genetic net. The possibility of a general theory of metabolic behavior is suggested. " Stuart Kauffman, "Metabolic stability and epigenesis in randomly constructed genetic nets", Journal of Theoretical Biology

Volume 22, Issue 3, March 1969, Pages 437-467




4 tracks through ye olde nonlinear adding machine, cutting up so as to let the future arrive. (Gyson)



WRITING. - Burroughs

results suggest that, an organism as order and stability; as a function naturally” (p. 25). each horizontal thread program in an speak, human lives. Icelandic Njal's Saga, think too that of behavior to Here is this cicadas to set The horizontal threads along the vertical of a general horizontal threads { the that shades Phaedrus plane-tree is deliciously nonliving systems}, as lofty and spreading on the order from any mode by two or me'. In the later reflects on of differentiating directly how, unlike biologists undergo behavior cycles reminding us that behave with great a conducive ecology. molecular automata is order seen in circumstances Me þæt net predicts roughly there.


In "Metabolic Stability of his life examined by modeling gestures to the net. The possibility the stimulus of cell types in "Proto-organisms probably were shrill and summerlike a battle on the number of these binary “ as well” (p. sweet; and there an enormous and cellular differentiation, and 117). Why did sample/soundbyte, “order for regulatory networks....order, vast an available order, often-sampled dialogues in flows beneath the Socrates in Phaedrus: the narrator says and Epigenesis in he samples available pattern that is which makes answer singing after their and a sonic into a computer to the chorus writing in the Socrates use the add to the laborious effort,” he a time line. Stuart Kauffman, reports vertical threads represent cicadas buzzing in When Kaufman (2005) influence the pattern randomly aggregated nets described the resulting cell; possess different understanding wyrd is insect world, acknowledging the form of both living and the listen gene listen genes”. The is due to Long ago, Socrates, This is also of large, randomly listen genes", then wove this for a composing gesture: The colour of to observe us, Imagine a patterned its number of through a weaving rhetoric should always (trans. Hackforth 1972) Journal of Theoretical wont in the woof) are woven of a genetic a loom. The order of ontogeny in the Phaedrus, How delightful is the breeze—so very random elements entered be a spot on rhetoric and ecologies, selecting is past actions. The effort to theorize genes; and under were there, in free,” he explains analogy. In the a ready-made pattern, published in the Phaedrus? Because they modes of behavior apparently common to chain among the of the beautiful "at most a Anglo-Saxon Riming Poem, believes that “most noise are capable constructed nets of of the number valkyries weave out woven in will that emerged from "order for free." stigmergy. In information-dense as a Markov few other modes blossom and the plane-tree, and the and generative, arises who “suppose the of chemical reactions. The hypothesis that is directly affected already established and another, don't fail cold to the a loom made a natural expression Randomly Constructed Nets," represent layers of (Phaedrus 230d, Jowett being woven on whose number per we select what's the plane tree resonance with the feet. Judging from theory of metabolic high and clustering, three other " ontogeny is spontaneous, a sort of threads (the warp). self-organization that abounds as it is in the fullest one the most greatest fragrance; and his most popular Another way of a function of the course of what Socrates does order, for free, if each “gene” also randomly constructed as a binary studying the behavior of behavior. Cellular of weapons and and the Nymphs. hot sun and differentiation is modeled whose length predicts coherence (in process contemporary organisms are the stream which the rhetorical tradition; entrails, so to in the Phaedrus the ornaments and and Socrates in conversing with one (on-off) device and Biology in 1969, piece of cloth in the air threaded with human of the cicadae. modes of behavior such random nets behavior is suggested. take place in transl. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/texts/phaedrus.html)is a sound images, this must this dialogue: “I the cicadas overhead, wyrd gewæf, 'Wyrd of genes per agnus cast us cell replication time up his meditation in in layers in very complex is Wyrd?, By Arlea Æðelwyrd Hunt-Anschütz)that emerges." (What of the stunning sacred to Achelous



control process of a gene regulatory network

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