A Liquid Book

and the Wyrd Was Wiki''
One story of this wiki's genesis

Another way of understanding wyrd is through a weaving analogy. In the Anglo-Saxon Riming Poem, the narrator says of his life circumstances Me þæt wyrd gewæf, 'Wyrd wove this for me.' In the Icelandic Njal's Saga, valkyries weave out the course of a battle on a loom made of weapons and threaded with human entrails, so to speak, human lives. Imagine a patterned piece of cloth being woven on a loom. The horizontal threads (the woof) are woven in in layers along the vertical threads (the warp). The horizontal threads represent layers of past actions. The vertical threads represent a time line. The colour of each horizontal thread as it is woven in will add to the pattern that is already established and influence the pattern that emerges." (What is Wyrd?, By Arlea Æðelwyrd Hunt-Anschütz)

wyrd authority - More Habit Forming Than Heroin?

Comments (6)
Anonymous said
at 11:49 am on Jun 14, 2008
Speaking voice TONE quality research is my passion for vocal repairing and writing
Anonymous said
at 5:19 pm on Jun 15, 2008
Let's pipe the whole wiki into a speech to text generator and see if the Tonal aspect of language comes through! This would make for an interesting comparison to actual speech. Perhaps it would be better, though, to have people read it aloud?
mobius@... said
at 12:32 pm on Aug 16, 2010
By the Grace iof Green, it's Wyrd!
mobius@... said
at 12:37 pm on Aug 16, 2010
Lausavísa, I choose you!
mobius@... said
at 7:55 pm on Dec 1, 2010
Wyrd to the Wikileaks!
mobius@... said
at 7:59 pm on Dec 1, 2010
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